Welcome to the Calgary Rock & Lapidary Club!

We are a non-profit hobby organization interested in all aspects of the Earth Sciences and Arts. This includes geology, mineral identification and collecting, paleontology, fossil identification and collecting, archaeological stone-age work, field trips related to these things, lapidary shaping and faceting of display and gemstone quality items, tumble polishing, jewellery settings, metal forming, and more.

Founded in 1959, the CRLC is located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, in close proximity to many world-class fossil treasures and fossil-fuel sources. Our Studio space and club activities are mainly funded through our operation of our annual CRLC Gem, Mineral & Fossil show.

Please check our club event Calendar to keep up to date with special programs, monthly meetings, jewellery and lapidary classes, our workshop, and field trips.  New members are always welcome! Please check our Membership page for full details and instructions, or our membership shop to purchase/renew now.

CRLC Jewellery Studio

There are many things that can be achieved in the jewellery studio area, techniques like:
  • Stone setting
  • Enameling
  • Fabricating: making your own rings, chains, bracelets, pendants etc
  • PMC (Precious Metal Clay)
  • Texturing
  • Metal forming
  • Silver Soldering

CRLC Lapidary Studio

Below are just some of the projects that can be completed in the workshop:
  • Cutting and polishing a cabochon.
  • Cutting and polishing geodes and nodules.
  • Cutting and polishing slabs/slices.
  • Cutting and polishing precious stones for mounting in jewellery.
  • Preparation and cleaning mineral specimens.

Use of the Jewellery and Lapidary Studios are available for any member on drop-in nights for a small charge, or is available at any other time for Studio members.


Membership Info

General membership gives you access to our club activities including monthly meetings, presentations, socials, classes, field trips, committees, CRLC library, and drop-in sessions. Membership in the Calgary Rock and Lapidary Club automatically gives you membership in and access to events held by member clubs of the Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs and Gem and Mineral Federation of Canada.

For General Members, the studio and equipment can also be used for $6 per day during open sessions. Drop-in sessions are generally held on Tuesday & Thursday nights & Wednesday afternoons.  Check the calendar before you come.

General Membership Fees (Annual – January to December Calendar year, no GST):

For new members these fees are 50% off after the May show, but still expire in December.  For members renewing, there is no discount.

2024 Fees:

single couple
Adult [18 – 65] $ 35 $ 45
Senior [65 and over] $ 30 $ 35
Family Membership* $ 60

*Family is defined as: up to 2 accountable adults, plus however many dependents under 18.  Note that 18+ need to pay the adult fee, even if in the same household.  Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Club Name Tags: $ 5.00


Members may access the studio equipment for a $6 fee during drop-in sessions.  See more information here.


For regular membership, you can apply and purchase memberships in the CRLC Shop or by mailing the application form.

The CRLC accepts payments by credit cards, cash, e-transfer, or personal cheques (payable to “Calgary Rock and Lapidary Club” )

Payment/Application by mail should be sent to “Membership – Calgary Rock and Lapidary Club – #13, 3650 – 19th Street NE, Calgary, AB, T2E 6V2”

After payment is received, your application will be submitted to the Board of Directors for approval, but you may attend drop-in sessions and meetings right away. When approved, you will be notified and receive a Calgary Rock and Lapidary Club membership card as well as an Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs membership card. Please keep a copy of your application and payment.  It may take a while your application to be fully approved, particularly over the summer as the board does not meet.

Studio Use

jewelry studio crop

Jewellery Studio

Our CRLC Studio opened in February 2016.  This light industrial bay facility has 2 levels. The ground level contains workspace, tables and a variety of rock cutting, grinding and polishing machines. The upper level is a jewellery studio with workstations and equipment for a variety of techniques.

Using the Studio:

Structured CRLC classes have their own costs that cover use of the Studio. (See the CRLC calendar for scheduled classes)

For CRLC members wanting to use the Studio and its equipment outside of structured class time, there are presently two options:

Option 1) Drop-in Sessions

The most common way to access the equipment is during drop-in sessions on some weekdays and evenings. For $6 each time, members may attend a drop-in session to work on projects. Informal mentoring from other members may be available during these times.  See the CRLC calendar for dates of the drop-in sessions.

Pre-paid Drop-ins:  If you will be attending many drop-in sessions, you may pre-pay the following fees for unlimited drop-in access during the calendar year.

Single $ 144
Couple $ 180
Family* $ 216

Option 2) Steward Volunteering

For experienced members desiring private project time, they may volunteer to supervise a minimum of 10 drop-in sessions per year.  In return for this volunteering, stewards are permitted to access the workshop on their own, assuming the workshop is not already booked for classes and meetings.  Stewards may not use any equipment with which they have no familiarity.  If you are interested in being a steward, please contact a board member or Contact Us.

Steward Fees: For your first year of stewarding, the following fees apply.  If you are able to volunteer for a minimum of 10 drop-in sessions during the calendar year, then your fee is covered for following year.  Steward fees are prorated.

Single $ 144
Couple $ 180

*Family is defined as: up to 2 accountable adults, plus however many dependents under 18.


Members using the equipment are responsible for general cleanup. Areas that become dirty such as saws should be wiped down for the next user.  Any equipment requiring repair or maintenance should be noted and tagged.


A Safety orientation and walkthrough of the Studio is required before using the equipment.  The basic orientation does not include formal hands-on skill development with the equipment.  This orientation is required for all members planning on using the workshop.  Members should not use any equipment that they are not familiar with.

For skill development, inexperienced members are encouraged to take a structured CRLC lapidary and/or jewellery class (or from other educational organizations) and/or see if mentoring is available during CRLC drop-in session nights.

Lapidary Studio

Lapidary Studio

Orientation Includes:
  • Sharing the layout of the workshop along with important features like fire extinguishers, safety equipment and first aid supplies.
  • Brief explanation of lapidary tools:
    • general tool use: Poly Arbour, Genie/Pixie, Polisher, trim saws
    • general inspection: know when equipment is not functioning
    • general safety: toxic rocks, water use, etc.
  • Brief explanation of Jewellery Tools:
    • general tool use: torches, solder, pickle, polish, jeweller’s saw
    • general inspection: know when equipment is not functioning
    • general safety: flame etc.
Rock Saw Usage
  • Saw training is required before using.  This brief training covers the use of trim saws and larger saws.

Pebble Pups

Pebble Pups are members age 5 to 15 who meet in a nearby room during the monthly general meeting on the second Friday of the month.  Activities include rock related crafts and learning about Lapidary and the Earth Sciences.  All activities are included in your family membership.


As well as our regular monthly general meeting, we have a number of smaller committees that meet to discuss specific areas of interest.  Talk to someone at the next general meeting if any of these interest you.

Board of Directors:

  • Responsible for managing the operation of our club, including membership, classes, programs etc.

Show Committee:

  • Responsible for operating our annual show, which is our main fundraiser.

Workshop Committee:

  • Responsible for the operation and maintenance of the equipment in the workshop.

Metaphysical Committee:

Resource Committee:

  • Focuses on education, identification and testing of rock and minerals.  Proposal Document.

Pebble Pups Committee:

  • Responsible for the development of activities and crafts for junior members.

For questions, please use our Contact form.

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