Links to Other Great Web-Sites
- The Official Royal Tyrrell Museum Web Site
- The Burgess Shale Project
- Burgess Shale fossils
- Dinosaur Fossils in Gateway Country
- Dinosaur Provincial Park
- The Alberta Palaeontological Society
- Geological Survey of Canada
- Calgary Faceters Guild
- Livingstone Art & Gem
- Alberta Federation of Rock Clubs
- Gem & Mineral Federation of Canada
- Canadian UV Minerals
- The British Columbia Lapidary Society
- Central Canadian Federation of Mineralogical Societies
- American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
- Geological Survey of Canada
- Canadian Directory of Rock & Mineral Associations
- Geological Association of Canada
- Mineralogical Association of Canada
- Norfolk Mineral Lapidary Society
- MMS on SchoolNet
- Environmental Science Resource Center
- Ask a Geologist
- Volcano World
- Colorado School of Mines
- Gemology World – Can. Institute of Gemmology
- Tips from the Jeweler’s Bench – Charles Lewton Brain
- The Agates Page
- A comprehensive guide to the history & types of gemstones
- Ultraviolet Lighting
- Fluorescent Mineral Database
- The Vug
- Boulder Creek Amethyst Mine
- Canadian Rockhound (Internet Magazine)
- Junior Rockhound (Internet Magazine)
- Rockhounds Information Page
- Association for Mineral Exploration British Columbia
- Rock Candy Mine
- Geology Adventures Field Trips
- The Virtual Cave: An Exploration of Cave Minerals
- Meteorites
- Oregon Rockhounds Online
- Bob’s Rock Shop
- Extensive Geology Links
- Niagara Peninsula Geological Society
- Alberta’s Foothills Erratic Train – Lionel E. Jackson Jr.
- Absolute Quartz Crystals
- Mineret Fine Minerals
- Mineral Magazine
- Brazilian Minerals
- Rocks For Kids
- Quartzsite Gem & Mineral Club
- Brain Press Publications
- Unearthing T. Rex
- Rock Tumbling
- Rock Food Table
- Mineral Postage Stamps
- Diamond Dan Publications
- The Beginner’s Guide to Backyard Geology