Volunteer at the Show!

Volunteer to help out at the show.  Only CRLC Members may volunteer.  This is our club’s biggest fundraiser of the year and provides the majority of our operating funding and rent. CRLC Members can volunteer for 3 hour blocks and are eligible for free admission and volunteer prizes.  Sign up with Contact us.

Volunteer Benefits:
-Minimum 3 hour shift allows you free entry to the show and makes you eligible for volunteer prizes donated by the show vendors. Volunteer every day? Get free entry every day.
-Junior volunteers will receive letters for any eligible school volunteering credits their schools might offer.

Before the show

Contact us in the fall to volunteer for these Show Committee positions.
Show Chair: Books vendors and coordinates all show activities. Books venue.
Display Case Coordinator: organize a list of club members participating in display cases. Coordinate setup.
Ticket Coordinator: Organize volunteers selling show tickets.
Membership Coordinator: Organize volunteers at membership booth & volunteer lounge.
Silent Auction Coordinator: Wash and label donations for selling at the auction. Coordinate volunteers.
Children’s Area Coordinator: Determine kids activities and organize volunteers.
Demonstrations Coordinator: Contact and schedule demonstrators.
Custodian: Organize trailer delivery & electrical setup.
Setup/Takedown Coordinator: Organize delivery and setup of equipment & marking of floor.

During the Show

Arena Set up: (Wednesday and Friday)

-A couple of people on Wednesday (10am-12pm) to drive the trailer to the site and tape out the floor plan
-Most volunteers on Wednesday afternoon (12-5pm)
-Unload the CRLC trailer full of show materials, set up booth layout tables/curtains and other labour intensive duties according to floor plan.
-The CRLC members’ display cases gallery will be constructed, tabled, and wired for lights.
-Strong volunteers to move tables & chairs and set up display cases
-Put up signage.
-set up table and covers for CRLC Information, Silent Auction, Tickets, and Demonstrations areas.
-set up drapes
Physical Requirement: Lifting & carrying equipment/supplies. Some of the equipment is heavy so we need some strong folks to help with those items. Some tasks require walking, reaching climbing ladders & kneeling.

Show Cases: (Friday Morning and Sunday Evening)

-Display your rock and jewerly collection and crafts.
-Load your own case on Friday morning before the show opens. Empty your case on Sunday evening.
-Cases can be shared between people and will showcase the activities of club members and promote our club, workshop and classes
-Members only.  No selling and no prices.  Business card ok.  Cases are locked from noon Friday to 5pm Sunday and may not be opened.

Ticket Tables: (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

-Greeting attendees.
-Taking money, making change, and handing out prize draw entry forms to attendees. (sitting job)
-Operating Square for card sales.  Checking pre-paid tickets.
-Putting hand stamps on paid attendees. Good task for younger volunteers (standing job)

Membership Booth: (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

-Provide information about the show and club.
-selling memberships and processing cash and Square payments.
-selling T-shirts and pins.
-Doing the Hourly prize draws.
-Monitoring the prize draw barrel and tables (cleanliness, security, pens present).
-Recording donations for prize draws from the show vendors, inserting and extracting prizes from display case, setting prizes for hourly draws.
-Recording hourly prize winners.
-Acting as Lost and Found station. (Items and perhaps small children).
-Show Announcements microphone use.
-Running errands.
-Acting as Central Volunteer Base. (equipment like electric cords, pens, tape, tools stored under table).
-Make Coffee and maintain volunteer lounge.
-Purchase water, volunteer snacks prior to show.


Silent Auction: (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

-This is a fun, interactive fundraiser inside the show. If you have donations for the Silent Auction, please Contact us.
-Setting up auction items on auction table under Auction Lead’s guidance.
-Watching bids and people at table so auction items don’t walk off.
-Timing auction rounds and ringing bell.
-Helping people gather their winnings and take their money.


Demonstrations: (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

-Shifts variable to the demonstrator. Sitting and standing jobs.
-Show off a skill at a table for the public attendees.
-Demonstrators should use appropriate safety gear and know safety procedures
-Demonstrators are responsible for setting up/taking down their equipment and keeping their work area tidy when they are done.
-Talk up the CRLC jewellery and craft classes.
-Demonstrators can’t sell at the table but they can put out advertising info for their wares.


Kids Area: (Friday/Saturday/Sunday)

– volunteers required for kids area
– help kids dig for sapphires


Want to Volunteer? Contact us.