2025 Membership


General Membership Fees 

single couple
Adult [18 – 65] $ 35 $ 45
Senior [65 and over] $ 30 $ 35
Family Membership* $ 45 $ 60




Apply for annual membership for single or couple, adult, senior, or family. Payment can be sent from your bank using e-transfer after your form is submitted, or with a credit card (2.4% fee applies).

Memberships are valid until December 31.  New Members receive a discount starting at the time of the May show.  Renewals pay full price no matter when they renew.

A family is defined as: up to 2 accountable adults, plus however many dependents under 18 within the same household.  A single family is only 1 adult and 1 child.  Minors must be accompanied by an adult.

Additional information


New Member, Renewal


Adult (1 or 2), Senior (1 or 2), Family (with children)


Small, Single, Couple